Virtual Employer Lunch and Learn with Workforce Development
Tuesday, December 17, 2024 (12:00 PM - 1:00 PM) (CST)
The lunch and learn is an opportunity to ask general questions and learn more about the services available to employers through the Job Center of Wisconsin with their Wisconsin Workforce Development Business Services Team.
The mission of the Business Service Team (BST) is to develop partnerships with local businesses and organizations that will facilitate comprehensive service, connect businesses to a skilled workforce, and deliver a broad variety of services related to employment and training. The services they provide shall enable partners to not just remain competitive, but to also ensure growth and stability.
3 Takeaways for the Session:
1. Understand how they can connect you with job seekers.
2. Understand how they assist both businesses and job seekers by providing education, training, and support services to succeed in the labor market and to match employers with skilled workers.
3. Learn about the programs, assistance, and incentives available to businesses.
The BST includes Department of Workforce Development Job Service staff, Workforce Resource (WIOA) staff, Local Veterans Employment Representative (LVERs), Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) staff, Department of Corrections (DOC), Workforce Development Board West Central Wisconsin (WDBWCW), Labor Market Economist, and Apprenticeships.